Why I decided to go into the Arts

For the longest time I had no idea what path to take. I remember back in high school I was always asked what university I wanted to go to and what I wanted to be. Usually those are tough and daunting questions to answer for high school students.

Back in tenth grade we had to take the Careers class and at that time I wanted to become a Psychologist. Funny, I know. I can’t picture it either. Why a Psychologist? Well, back in seventh and eighth grade I was told by my younger friends that I give great advice and I was proud of that. I think that’s still true; however, I know Psychology is beyond just giving great advice and being a good listener. I respect what they do because I know that it takes an emotionally strong, intelligent and empathetic person to be a Psychologist. When it came time to breaking down the requirements for that career path, a lot of courses came up that I wasn’t interested in. That alone was a big factor for me not to go into Psychology and boy, am I happy that I didn’t because I probably would not have enjoyed the journey.

When it came time to apply to universities, I was still unsure what I wanted to apply for and where, but I did know what courses I did not like, which made the process of elimination easier. The only subjects that I fully enjoyed all throughout elementary and high school were: gym, dance and art. Gym class was always fun! Aside from dodgeball, my favourite part about gym class was track and field. I loved being a part of the team and competing. High school came around and I made the decision to only take one gym glass. Trust, me I wanted to take more, but I chose other art related electives. I was also not able to be a part of the track and field team because my time was committed to dance. As I got older, I took on more dance classes and was competing more.

The idea of going to post-secondary for dance was something that I considered, but deep down in my heart I knew that I didn’t want to make it my career. Some family and friends didn’t understand why I didn’t want to become a professional dancer. It was odd to them that I dedicated such a large portion of my life to something and not want to make it my future. Truth is, I was afraid that I would turn something that I loved so much into something that I didn’t. I didn’t want dance to become just a job to me so I left it as my hobby.

Art class was my happy place! I was comfortable and confident without even knowing it. I was “the art kid” in elementary. Every year we had to make name signs and I recall some of my classmates asking me to create theirs. I remember my fifth grade teacher telling me that my sketches looked like finalized pieces. My fourth grade teacher made me fall in love with the fine arts. As a child I was always creating something. In high school art class was the only class I wanted to be in. I spent hours on my work wanting them to be perfect and I wanted to be the best.

It wasn’t obvious to me at first that art school was the path for me, but it eventually unfolded as things usually do. After I realized Psychology wasn’t for me, I thought about becoming an Art Teacher. I applied to Brock for con-ed. I applied to Queens because my older cousin went there for the same art program. I though that if she could get in, so could I. I applied to Western for the arts and only wanted to go there because I knew that it was the top pick for my best friend Tiff and I fell in love with how beautiful the campus looked. I applied to York because it was close to home and it also had con-ed. I applied to OCAD because it was an all art and design school. Little did I know that it was prestigious and would be the place that I called home.

Conditional Offer from OCAD U

To be honest I wasn’t as thrilled as some people were to get accepted because I didn’t fully understand how great the opportunity was. I accepted my offer because to me it made sense that if I was going to go into the Fine Arts I might as well go to a specialized school to get the full experience. I think if were to go back in time knowing what I know now, I would be over the moon to know that OCAD U offered me a spot. I am so grateful that I made the decision that I did. I loved every bit of my university journey and would not change it for the world!

My Home away from Home

I am a firm believer that everything happens when and how it should. You may be going through a difficult time right now, but have faith that it will all work out in the end because it will!  


The Beauty of Exploration

Playing and exploring with different techniques and mediums changed and expanded my practice. 

Before I left for Italy, I had intentions of creating massive acrylic paintings. I envisioned myself painting landscapes and portraits just like the masters! I bought a lot of canvas from Curry’s to bring overseas with me because I was told that the quality isn’t as good in Italy as it is in Toronto and it is more expensive. Within the first few days of arriving in Italy my roommates and I went to an art store called Salvini and we bought painting materials. I was so excited to start my creative journey in a place where I had been dreaming of being in since first-year. School started the week after and I had everything set to go. I had my paints, brushes, canvas and a beautiful studio space!

My studio space for Thesis in Florence, Italy before we moved buildings

When it came time to paint I was not producing anything that I liked or felt proud of. As beautiful and dream-like Florence is, I just did not feel inspired to paint. It was so frustrating for me because I knew I was right in the middle of where great painters produced work. I was forcing myself to paint and nothing visually appealing came out of it. I always classified myself as a painter and it came very natural to me, but at that moment it felt the furthest from natural. I could not understand why this was happening to me and I felt a little discouraged, especially when my fellow classmates were well on their way with their work. 

Weeks went by and I was still struggling to produce. Luckily one of my roommates, Alesha, had told me that she found a nearby plastic shop called Il Plastico. I was intrigued because we don’t have such a place in Toronto, well none that I know of. A couple of days later she took our other roommate, Jen, and I to Il Plastico and I found myself purchasing such random materials. I bought crazy glue, long a sheet of reflective square stickers, long plastic rods, all different diameters, and a few sheets of plastic with texture. I had no idea what I was going to do with them! I just wanted them because they looked and felt interesting to me.

I took the new materials to the studio and I ended up chopping up the rods to different lengths and gluing them to the plastic sheets. This was just the start of a new beginning!     

Open Studio - December 12, 2014

Over the months my Thesis had evolved and I felt more confident in myself and in my work. I was in a better place and heading in a foreign direction with excitement! If it wasn’t for my painting struggles and the discovery of new materials I would have never produced the work that I did, nor would I have the appreciation for my growth as an artist and as an individual.

It’s funny how the message behind my Thesis, Be an Orchid, actually has relation to my journey to creating the piece, but that’s something to be shared with in person.

If you’re having a hard time trying to produce something, I hope that you persevere because something great will come out of it!


Take Chances and Try Something New

Stepping out of your comfort zone is usually a daunting and uncomfortable feeling. It’s so much easier to just remain the same. Who’s wants to be the exact same person two, five, 10 years from now? No me! If you take the easy way out now, your life will become difficult later on. When challenges are avoided, growth is prevented.

In university I was given the opportunity to take a minor. I was intimidated because I knew that the majority of my classmates would be majoring in the program. They would be more knowledgeable and experienced. Scary though initially? Heck ya! After I got over those negative thoughts I began to realize that there would be more career opportunities. It would also give me the chance to expand my drawing and painting practice! Design and Fine Arts can go hand-in-hand.

I decided to minor in Graphic Design and I had absolutely zero experience. Was it more work? Yes, absolutely it was. Was it difficult switching from a “Fine Arts brain” to a “Design brain”? Yes! Did I enjoy it? Yes! Did I struggle? At times. Did I learn? You bet I did. Was it beneficial? 100%. Am I a different person because of it? Yes, I am and I would say that I am also a better person.

I can’t take all the credit for diving into Graphic Design. It was my mom would actually pointed out that she could see me in the design field. I am so grateful for her and her constant love and support! I would not have done this without her.      

Typeface Specimen (I created my own font!), 2016

It’s important to try something new even if you’re unsure of the results. You will never know if you really like or dislike something unless you try. The experience of minoring in Graphic Design taught me to be more of a go-getter. If I make mistakes on something that I’m trying for the first time it doesn’t bother me because I know that I am learning something new. If I fail, at least I tried and I know that it’s not for me. If I succeed, that’s amazing and I’ve just discovered something new about myself! Life has a way of showing you interesting things about yourself as long as you’re willing to put yourself out there. Most of the time it doesn’t happen instantly, but everything will unfold when it is supposed to. Patience and perseverance are key!

Not everyone will necessarily agree with your decisions or even understand them, but you need to remember that you are making these choices for yourself and how you want to build your life. If you’ve been meaning to explore a different route, but haven’t done so just yet, I hope you find the courage to do so. I can guarantee that you will learn something regardless of the outcome!


© Erica Joaquin
All rights reserved 2021
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